
"Back to Life. Back to Reality"
Wow, what wisdom in those 6 words. Well folks, I am back home now...and have been here since Monday, but I finally got back to normal California time today. But now I have to set my clock forward??? Stupid farmers!!! Why do you need 1 more night-time hour? You aren't working...soooo...what's the deal?
It has been an interesting transition back home. I haven't had that "super difficult" time since I have been home like a lot of others say they do. I mean, I miss the heck out of those adorable childen in Africa, but I am not in depression or anything like that. What does that mean? Does that mean I wasn't really touched? Or that I don't care? Or what?
Well, I am looking for a job and not sure what I am going to do. Any suggestions?


Allison said...

You were there for six weeks...I think that warrants an easier transition back home...

For most of the "super difficult time" people, it seems to have been because they didn't have enough time there...

You, not so much.

Unknown said...

I know what you can do next...come to Aussie-land and have adventures with us!

Patrice & Martin said...

I think you should pursue some ministry with children. Check 'em out, ask questions, get referrals. Either that or have some children of your own to minister to ;)

Ange said...

I think you were just ready to come home, nothing wrong with that jwa. I'm glad you had a good time, I LOVE Kenya...